Use stripe subscription in nodejs application
In this tutorial, we will be looking at how we can implement a basic Stripe subscription in a nodejs application. Stripe, as most of us, are already aware it is a popular payment processing service for e-commerce websites and applications, and today we will be utilizing it to build a basic app that will allow […]
Docker compose nodejs app
In this tutorial, we will be looking at how we can use docker-compose to deploy a nodejs MongoDB app. Now, for those who aren’t familiar with Docker, it is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. In simple words, it enables us to separate our applications from our infrastructure so that we can […]
Promises in javascript for beginners
In this tutorial, we will be looking at Promises in Javascript. Let’s firstly understand, what promises are. Promises are an alternative to callbacks for delivering the result of an asynchronous operation. It allows users to perform asynchronous operations very effectively and seamlessly
Nodejs API best practices
In this tutorial, we will be looking at some of the nodejs API best practices that we should be keeping in mind while building our Nodejs REST API. Our main focus in this post will be to make our API secure, scalable, and optimized. So let’s get started, shall we? Handle errors gracefully One of […]
Telegram crypto price bot in nodejs
In this tutorial, we will be building a telegram crypto price bot that will let us check the Price difference of a token between the Binance and Kucoin exchange. So let’s get started, shall we? Generate Binance API Key For generating the Binance API key we need to Signup for a Binance account and turn […]
Free node js hosting options for your project
Making an application is the core task a developer does in their daily life but often the question arises, where should they deploy their web application so that it is not heavy on their pockets, especially during their initial days, and would be conveniently used by their users. Agenda So in this post, we will […]
Rabbitmq in nodejs and task processing
In this tutorial, we will be looking at how we can use integrate rabbitmq in nodejs and process tasks. Now for those who aren’t familiar with RabbitMQ, RabbitMQ is a message-queueing software also known as a message broker or queue manager. Simply saying, it is software where queues are defined, to which
Contact form with nodemailer in nodejs
In this tutorial, we will be looking at how we can create a contact form with a nodemailer using Gmail’s SMTP server in nodejs. Now for those who aren’t familiar with nodemailer, it’s a nodejs module that we can use in our applications that allows us to easily integrate mailing functionality to our nodejs application. […]
JWT authentication in nodejs with example
In this tutorial, we will be looking at how to add JWT authentication in a nodejs application. By definition, JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry-standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. So let’s not waste any more time and